Soul Healing and Channeling Evolution

with Veronica Parks

5 Tips to Find Your Healing Modality

5 Tips to Find Your Healing Modality

5 Tips to Find Your Healing ModalityVeronica Parks
Published on: 21/02/2023

Emotional attachment to another individual is quite common and it’s very important to recognize it for what it is. Many people get into a relationship and expect the other person to bring happiness into their lives. And the truth of the matter is that no person can make you happy until you personally choose to be happy. Now of course that is easier said than done. Emotional attachment is coming from having a void within us that needs to be filled. Often, it’s a reflection of attention, love, support, and appreciation we needed as a child and didn’t receive from our mom and dad or any parent figure. That causes us to end up attracting a partner like version of our parents that didn’t fulfill us, that didn’t love or treated us the way we needed them to. And we go through relationship after relationship attempting to find that lost part of ourselves. It can be a long journey, because we end up attracting another individual that has a void that needs to be fulfilled within them as well. That is why the beginning of a relationship seems magical as both partners attempt to impress the other and make each other happy. However, sustaining this kind of dynamic can be extremely depleting for either individual, and we wonder why the other person has changed. Here are the steps to free us from emotional codependency:

Healing Modalities
How To Heal Your Soul And Live A Better Life?

How To Heal Your Soul And Live A Better Life?

How To Heal Your Soul And Live A Better Life?Veronica Parks
Published on: 28/11/2022

The journey to happiness and fulfillment is a long one, but it starts with healing your soul. When you're able to find peace and tranquility within yourself, you can start living a better life for yourself and others. Here are seven steps to

Soul Healing
Fear Of Heights

Fear Of Heights

Fear Of HeightsVeronica Parks
Published on: 06/11/2022

Do you feel empowered standing on the edge? Even though it might seem dangerous I find some thrill in that…I love striking a yoga pose at the top of the mountain or at the edge of what might seem like two different worlds the predictable and the unknown… Trusting that I’m safe That my body is strong That my balance is at its peak That I have lots more to experience in this world And yet that trust was something I had developed through my Soul Healing System inner work Yes I used to be terrified of heights, I mean real FEAR My fear of heights was so intense that I couldn’t even look down the balcony…I would scream like a little girl Yet today, I get to enjoy the FreedOm of the most amazing views and scenic hikes up the mountain! I get to enjoy the thrill of being at such high elevations that it makes my heart sing 💃 Are you afraid of heights?

Master Fear and Phobias
How to Stop Being Emotionally Attached to Someone

How to Stop Being Emotionally Attached to Someone

How to Stop Being Emotionally Attached to SomeoneVeronica Parks
Published on: 06/11/2022

Emotional attachment to another individual is quite common and it’s very important to recognize it for what it is. Many people get into a relationship and expect the other person to bring happiness into their lives. And the truth of the matter is that no person can make you happy until you personally choose to be happy. Now of course that is easier said than done. Emotional attachment is coming from having a void within us that needs to be filled. Often, it’s a reflection of attention, love, support, and appreciation we needed as a child and didn’t receive from our mom and dad or any parent figure. That causes us to end up attracting a partner like version of our parents that didn’t fulfill us, that didn’t love or treated us the way we needed them to. And we go through relationship after relationship attempting to find that lost part of ourselves. It can be a long journey, because we end up attracting another individual that has a void that needs to be fulfilled within them as well. That is why the beginning of a relationship seems magical as both partners attempt to impress the other and make each other happy. However, sustaining this kind of dynamic can be extremely depleting for either individual, and we wonder why the other person has changed. Here are the steps to free us from emotional codependency:

Emotional Mastery

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Veronica Parks

Veronica Parks is a channel of the Goddess and a Master Soul Healer guiding people to their inner freedom.

She is the founder of Angel’s Gate Academy, a spiritual road to self-Mastery with weekly live workshops.

Veronica guides groups through time, space and dimensions to remember their superhuman abilities.

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